понедельник, 7 июля 2014 г.

Swan Cookies Recipe

You would think cookies in the shape of a swan are difficult to make, but in reality they are quite easy when you try. There isn’t much hassle with achieving this creative and yet delicious result, you just have to use any cookie dough, as long as you can roll it. Here is what you’ll need:
• 2 eggs (save the yolk of the second egg to brush over cookies before baking);
• a couple of coffee cups of sugar;
• one and a half coffee cup of vegetable oil;
• one ammoniac soda sachet;
• one coffee cup of milk;
• lemon;
• a small pack of vanilla flavor;
Start by mixing well the eggs and adding the ammoniac sachet, dissolved before in the milk. Then pour the vanilla and some lemon zest in the mix. Add plenty of flour so you’ll make a soft dough. Leave the dough to rest 1 hour in a warm place then knead it again, adding more flour. When it’s ready for rolling, spread it out on the worktable.
Take a tall glass and make some circles in the dough; each will be a swan after you’re done with the shaping process. First, fold the circle in half. Second, use a knife to cut into specific places on the piece of dough; look at the images for guideline. Take the cuts in the way you see in the photos, in order to make the neck, head and tail of the beautiful swan. Repeat the technique for the rest of the circles. Finish by brushing them with the yolk from the second egg. Use chocolate sprinkles to fashion the eyes before sprinkling with sugar on the whole pan covered baking paper. Place in oven at 180-200 degrees Celsius and leave in until it gets a golden color. Finished!

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